The University of Evansville, with the assistance of the Office of Public Safety has established policies and regulations concerning the campus community. These are enacted to minimize and prevent losses due to criminal activity, damage to University and personal property, and serious injury to members of the campus community. It is every member of the campus community's responsibility to adhere to these policies and regulations and to point out infractions when they occur. Students may think some regulations are unfair or restrictive to their pursuit of fun. If a member of the campus community has a question regarding a specific policy feel free to contact the Office of Public Safety.
Student Handbook
The Student Handbook provides comprehensive information regarding University processes and policies.
Alcohol and Drugs
Alcoholic Beveragesvisiting the Alcohol Policy section of the website. The laws of the State of Indiana regarding the purchase and possession of alcoholic beverages will be upheld on campus. These laws may be enforced by University staff or local or state authorities.
University Policy does permit the possession, consumption, use or sale of alcoholic beverages on campus, under limited conditions and restrictions. The full text of the University alcohol policy can be found by -
Drug Use
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance on University property is absolutely prohibited. Violations of this policy will result disciplinary action, up to and including termination, and may have legal consequences. -
Refer to the Student Handbook, Staff Manual, Faculty and Administrator Manual for the full policy regarding the use of drugs and alcohol on campus. -
The University Counseling Center, the Health and Wellness Center and the Coordinator of the Health Education Wellness Programs are available to members of the University community for assessment and assistance. Education programs addressing alcohol-related and drug related issues are cosponsored on campus by Residence Life, the Office of Public Safety, the Health and Wellness Center, the Counseling Center and the coordinator of Health Education/Wellness programs
Outdoor Activities
The University of Evansville allows the student community to use the campus grounds for various types of outdoor activities. There are however certain restrictions placed on some activities and some activities that are prohibited.
Bike Riding and Roller-blading
These activities are allowed on and around the campus property under the following guidelines:- Bike riding and Roller-blading is permitted in Red and Green parking lots before 7:30 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, and 24 hours a day Saturday and Sunday.
- Bike riding and Roller-blading is permitted in all other areas of campus 24 hours a day.
- These activities are not allowed in any University building. Please stay off bikes and take off your blades while inside buildings.
Skateboarding and Roller-skating
Because of the University's concern for the safety of the individual skater, campus pedestrians and possible damage to University property, skateboarding and roller-skating is strictly prohibited on campus property. -
Jumps and Stunts
Whether on a bike, roller-blading or skateboarding, using campus structures or landscaping as ramps or jumps is strictly prohibited. This damages campus property and detracts from the campus appearance. Anyone caught violating this restriction could be held liable for damage to campus property. -
ChalkingStudent Handbook.
Chalking is permitted on sidewalks only. Organizations violating this policy may be sanctioned by the Center for Student Engagement. For the complete chalking guidelines, refer to the Student Activities and Organizations section of the -
Hover boards and similar devices
Due to potential fire hazards, the University of Evansville has temporarily banned all hover boards and similar devices from campus properties and approved University housing effective January 7, 2016. This includes campus walkways, parking lots, residence halls, village properties, and fraternity housing. This policy applies to all staff, students, and visitors. The policy will be revisited as improvements are made to devices that lower the risk of fires.
Facilities Access
Most campus buildings and facilities are accessible to members of the campus community and to guests and visitors during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. During the school year, some buildings are open extended hours seven days a week to allow students access to the academic computer labs in these buildings. Some buildings are open on weekends for limited hours if special events are taking place. After buildings have been secured, entry can be obtained by employees who work in the specific building if they have been issued the proper key for the building or have been granted after-hours electronic card access for those buildings having electronic card access capabilities. Students may gain access to academic labs after closing if they have obtained a valid written pass approved by the appropriate faculty member. The Office of Public Safety must be contacted so that a security officer can meet the student requesting entry into a lab. Upon presentation of a valid pass to the officer, along with a student identification card, the student can be granted entry into the building and the lab by the officer.
Please allow for a 5-10-minute response time before getting impatient. Security personnel may be coming from across campus or handling another call. There is no guarantee that security will be at a specified location at a specified time because of possible emergency situation. Therefore do not call as if to schedule a time for security personnel to meet you.
The Office of Public Safety enforces all federal, state, local statutes and University regulations pertaining to the possession and/or use of firearms, ammunitions, explosive devices, fireworks, or other potentially lethal weapons. All of these items are strictly prohibited on University owned or controlled property regardless of whether a federal or state license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor. Any violations of these statutes and regulations may result in disciplinary action as well as criminal prosecution.
What is a considered a weapon or explosive?
- Any firearm or device such as a handgun, rifle, shotgun, pistol or blowgun that can launch a projectile.
- Blades over four inches long or any sharp edged item that is used with the intent to threaten or do bodily harm.
- Blunt objects fashioned to cause injury or bodily harm or any blunt object used with intent to threaten or do bodily harm.
- ANY item used with the intent to threaten or do bodily harm.
- Explosives are any device designed to explode, either timed or fused, that would cause serious damage or bodily harm.
- All fireworks are covered under this policy including sparklers.
Vehicle Regulations
- Regulations are in effect 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
- Speed limit on campus is 10 m.p.h.
- Reserved spaces (handicap, loading, unloading, etc.) are reserved 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
- In crosswalk areas and sidewalks used by service vehicles, pedestrians have the right of way.
- Barricaded areas are not to be entered.
- All permit holders must park in their assigned parking areas.
- If a permit holder is unable to move a vehicle from a restricted area due to mechanical failure, the Office of Public Safety must be notified immediately by the permit holder, and the vehicle must be moved to a proper lot within 24 hours. Extension of the 24-hour time period can only be approved by the Director of Public Safety.
- Do not use University property as a storage facility for unlicensed or inoperable vehicles even if you have a valid parking permit.
- No parking is allowed on sidewalks, lawns, loading zones, or other restricted zones.
- Do not block service drives, entrances, and parking lot exits.
- All cars must be parked within the painted lines that indicate parking stall.
- Permit holders must notify the Office of Public Safety if circumstances occur which change the classification of their parking eligibility.
Office Phone
812-488-2051Office Emailsecurity@zsdzi1.com
Office Location
First floor, General Services Building